Rotten Teeth


When I was a kid we had a gas station and sold batteries. The batteries had no acid in them, so we would add the sulfuric acid. The concrete where acid had spilled was ate up. The other experience with acid was using it to lower the pH in alkaline soil. I was of the mind that more is better. That was not the case. Using too much acid would free up other things that could make the soil toxic to the crop. We tested the soil and the water. The calculations were made and the result was yields never before achieved. Another note on using the acid was that we had to use the correct tanks and plumbing or the acid would eat them up.

I am not sure of the benefits of drinking acidic drinks. But I do know that isn’t good for the teeth. The second part of my problem with this is. What is your beginning PH and what is your target PH. You could check your pH by using a pH meter or strip. I would check saliva and urine. Going in and coming out. Not scientific but as a farmer I check the PH of soil and water. Other considerations would be the PH of your drinking water and your food. Especially sodas and juices.

If you want your digestive tract working. Eat live, healthy foods. That is another blog. For now keep your teeth, they don’t grow back. But they can last a long time with proper maintenance and diet.

Below are a couple of links to check it out for yourself. I listed two sodas from this site.

Pepsi 2.53
Coca-Cola 2.52

Below is a link to an article  What is the Critical pH and Why Does a Tooth Dissolve in Acid?

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